Sunday, November 25, 2007


We had a lovely Thanksgiving Day and dinner at my Mom and Jason's. Michael's family drove up to spend the day with us. My mother cooked for 13 people and it seemed effortless. She had the tables set, with name cards, before we arrived. There were appetizers waiting in the family room. The guys watched the Packer football game before dinner. Jason deep fried two turkeys that were delicious. Hannah, Jacob, Nina and Denver went for a hike before dinner and then afterwards watch a marathon on the Disney channel.

Since Melissa listed her menu, I thought I'd list what my mom and I made...mostly my mom.

Crackers and Cheese
Veggies and Dip
Baked Brie with Walnut Sauce and Crackers

Fried Turkey
Cranberry & Sausage Dressing
Green Bean Casserole
Sweet Potato Casserole (in the was yummy and didn't take up room in the oven)
Mashed Potatoes
Cranberry Sauce Salad
5 cup Fruit Salad
Crustless Pumpkin Pie
Pecan Pie


Dee Dee's Diary said...

Can you share the rest of the photos? Loved this one....but did you get any of the FOOD?
Thank you for the kind comments. It really was a wonderful day!

CroppinRobin said...

no, can you believe that i didn't get any photos of the food buffet. i will email you the rest of the photos.

gideonmommasita said...

Beautiful table. While I'm glad for the 26 people that ate at my house I miss the nice sit down dinner. The stuffing sounds delish!

Melissa said...

Yummm! Sara, you always put a nice touch on everything.

Re: the last post, Robin, is that your tree from this year or last year? You are on the ball if it's from this year!

CroppinRobin said...

that would be good if it was this year...lights on, decorated, wrapped presents under the tree....'s from last year

2008 is going to be great....
It's the year I'm going to lose weight!